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What Is Ptosis And How Is It Caused?

Discover causes, symptoms, and treatments for ptosis (droopy eyelid) with our expert eye specialists at Everett & Hurite. Bo…


6 Healthy Vision Habits To Practice This Year

Learn six important ways to protect your vision, from eating a healthy diet to getting regular eye exams. Protect your eyesi…


Diabetic Retinopathy: Three Facts You Need To Know

Learn about diabetic retinopathy, a serious eye condition that can lead to blindness. Discover prevention tips and expert ca…


5 Eye Myths Everyone Should Know

Discover the truth behind common eye myths and take care of your vision with advice from Everett & Hurite's experienced opht…


How To Slow The Progression of Glaucoma: Risk Factors and Prevention Tips

Glaucoma is often referred to as the “sneak thief of sight,” since most sufferers don’t even realize they have it until afte…


Diabetic Eye Disease: A Dangerous Complication

Discover the impact of diabetes on your vision and how to protect your eyes. Learn about diabetic eye diseases and preventio…
